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Kildare Youth Theatre's Reopening [SCHEDULE]


Last edited 6th September 2020.

In line with general easing of restrictions as outlined by the government and the HSE, Kildare Youth Theatre is taking the first steps to reopen, starting with the commencement of limited workshops and rehearsals.

Therefore, we are delighted to bring the news that Kildare Youth Theatre will reopen for selected workshops and rehearsals from this week.

Please first observe the necessary health practices IN EFFECT IMMEDIATELY in our Crooked House Property. Below our guidelines is a list of running workshops.


We are taking the appropriate measures regarding the operation of our premises and certain practices will be put in place for the duration of each session. Specifically:

- All of the rooms have been thoroughly disinfected and ventilated.

-Hand sanitizers have been placed in every room and will be required to use upon arrival of each member.

-In order to preserve the 2 metre distance between participants we have set the limit of 10 participants per workshop or rehearsal for our indoor activities. (Outdoor workshops or rehearsals can have more).

-Signage has been placed around the rooms to help maintain social distancing

-Personal belongings will be now kept individually in boxes which we will arrange in our studio.

-Our kitchen supplies (plates, cups, utensils) and fridge will be out of use. However our kitchen will remain open for the members to make use of the tap to refill their own water bottles.

-We ask you to bring your own face mask in case you need to take part in an activity where social distancing is not easy to be maintained.

Please note that in measure with the guidelines, members cannot remain in Crooked House premises earlier than 10 minutes before the rehearsal or later than 10 minutes after. The back room which was used as a waiting room will remain closed until September as it is not an ‘Isolation Room’ in case anyone becomes ill.


Touchstone: Facilitated by Doug Morrison and Cian Ó Náraigh. ONE SPACE AVAILABLE.

Caliban: Facilitated by Doug Morrison and Cian Ó Náraigh. WORKSHOP FULL.

Senior Ensemble: Occasional Fridays, as instructed.

Read more on our Workshops page.


DNA: Wednesdays from 5-7PM, as discussed. CAST ONLY.

The Spidermen: Every Friday until July 31st. CAST ONLY.

Dungeness: Saturdays from 5-7. CAST ONLY.

Romeo & Juliet: CANCELLED


Click here to download the 2020-21 Membership Registration Form.

The 2020-21 Workshop Season is due to commence September 14th, restriction dependent. Emails will be sent closer to the date.

If you are not a registered member of Kildare Youth Theatre, or if you have any queries, feel free to contact us at


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